Starting point: along the ski track of the Skiparque enterprise.

On the Reboleira Route you can admire landscapes marked by the human presence, through the villages dotting the intense green horizon with white houses, sculpted by the flaps on the ground, terraces, marshes, leafy forests and uncultivated grazing areas. It is still possible to witness the influence of the schist in the typical mountain houses and in the walls that adorn part of the path and that typify the landscape.

One of the most prominent locations in the Reboleira Route, is the Souto do Concelho. Locally known by “Reboleiro”, this wild tree produces small but very tasty chestnuts that are dried by the fireplace in winter and were an important food source in the past. The Souto do Concelho acquires a multicolour expression of extreme natural beauty in the autumn.

The Reboleira Route provides a unique opportunity to follow a trail flooded by the beauty of River Zêzere Valley, by the immensity of the Mountain, by the magnificence of the coniferous and mixed forests, populated by species of inestimable value and unique geological phenomenon’s, such as the Gravel, that correspond to coarse rock deposits, non consolidated, of variable lithology and mobility, usually located on pendent’s with inclination moderate to strong, colonized, or not, by vascular vegetation, standing out in a unique way in the natural landscape that involves the trail.

This route gives also to know the SkiParque, which offers the possibility of practicing ski and snowboard throughout the year on synthetic tracks.

The Reboleira Route allows the observation of floral species of high conservation interest such as the holly, holm, etc. You can still observe the alder, the strawberry tree, the chestnut tree, the hawthorn, the heather, the rose bush, etc.

The diversity of habitats present correspond to an equal variety of fauna, the highlights are the Montagu\’s Harrier, the Pyrenean Desman, the greater horseshoe bat, the lesser horseshoe bat, the ladder snake, the Tawny Owl, the common kestrel, the boar, the fox, among others.

Close to the trail can be found some hives that should not be disturbed in any way! The walkers who may develop anaphylactic reactions should take extra care.